LAID BUG | Art Gallery & Creative Studio          

Yushi Arimura

Yushi Arimura
November 22(Fri) – December 14 (Sat), 2024

November 22(Fri) – December 14 (Sat), 2024
Opening Reception: November 22 (Fri) 17:00
Closed on Sunday,Monday

2024年11月22日より、LAID BUGにて、有村勇史によるソロエキシビジョンを開催します。

有村勇史は、鹿児島県を拠点に活動する写真家で、日々のフィールドワークを通じて風景や物事をフィルムカメラで記録し続けています。静かに波立つ海や、木々が生い茂る山、野生動物や、忘れ去られた建築物など、多角的な視点で切り取られた作品群は、そこに存在した光とともに緻密にフレーミングされることで、有村のまなざしで捉えた被写体の本質を顕在化します。2023年7月には、LAID BUGにて自身初となるソロエキシビジョンを開催。2024年11月にはベルリンのHVW8 Galleryで開催されたグループ展「INTANGIBILITY」に参加しました。

LAID BUGで2度目の展示となる本展では、「Scotoma(スコトーマ)」を主題に据えた作品群を発表します。「Scotoma」とは、医学的には視覚の一部に見えなくなる部分が生じる「盲点」を指し、心理学的な文脈では、個人が思い込みや無意識のフィルターによって特定の情報や事実に気づかない状態を表します。


On November 22, 2024, LAID BUG will present a solo exhibition by Yushi Arimura, a photographer based in Kagoshima who captures landscapes and objects using a film camera, documenting his daily fieldwork.

His works, framed with precision and accompanied by the natural light present at the scene, reveal the essence of his subjects, which range from quietly rippling seas to dense forests, wildlife, and abandoned buildings. Arimura held his first solo exhibition at LAID BUG in July 2023, and in November 2024, he participated in the group exhibition "INTANGIBILITY" at HVW8 Gallery in Berlin.

Arimura will present some of the works at his second exhibition at LAID BUG named "Scotoma." Medically, "scotoma" refers to a "blind spot" in one's vision. In psychological terms, it denotes a state where an individual fails to perceive certain information or facts due to unconscious biases or filters. Arimura's approach to photography has long focused on exploring these unseen or unconscious spaces. Arimura explains that not only does he instinctively capture moments when elements from the unconscious surface, but when developing the film and objectively observing the result, he can also perceive things beyond awareness.

Through his unique photographic expression, which cherishes the subtle dissonance and uncertainty that lingers within the beauty of fleeting moments, Arimura's works offer viewers a chance for new revelations and evoke long-forgotten memories. We’re excited for you to discover the stories within each work.


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東京都渋谷区代官山町 2-3 BF

2-3 BF, Daikanyama-cho, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, JPN